The Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease: What You Need to Know
The state of your gums and teeth can significantly impact the health of your heart. It's a connection that warrants closer examination.
The Longevity of Dental Crowns: How Long Should They Last?
How long should a dental crown last? In this blog post, we'll explore the factors that influence the lifespan of dental crowns and offer tips on how to maximize their durability.
A Dental First Aid Kit Every Home Should Own
Having a dental first aid kit at home can be helpful in managing dental emergencies and minor dental issues until you can see a dentist. Here's a list of essential items for a dental first aid kit every home should consider having:
Why Good Oral Hygiene Habits Need to Start Young – A Patient Story
The dental treatment for this 10-year-old patient is not something many would expect a dentist to recommend.
Dry Mouth: 5 Common Medications that are Affecting Your Oral Health
Top 5 types of medications that are known to cause dry mouth and what you can do to manage this condition.