Entries by harmonydental

Back to School, Back to Braces.

Obviously I’m all for keeping teeth. Straight teeth are easier to keep. This video kind of sums up my thoughts. I’m so happy to work with Dr. Matthew Witt in providing the best care for our patients. He helps those with orthodontic needs out of my clinic on Fridays. We are walking distance from McMath.

Being an Invisible Artist

Maybe the connection between dentistry and artistry isn’t clear to many people. After all, my best works are never seen. I hide the edges of veneers, tuck my porcelain work between teeth and under gumlines. I change smiles, align teeth, put teeth in and take them out. I rebuild mouths, restore function, reduce pain and […]

Top ten reasons a crown can save your tooth

A crown is a way of covering a natural tooth to reinforce its structure. Traditionally they were gold but now can be made of porcelain and match other teeth. Each one is custom made to fit your tooth, neighboring and biting teeth.  With proper oral hygiene and care can last 10-15 years or longer. Here […]